Rules & Regulations:
Players should take care not to cause harm to others while using the golf club & balls.
Management reserves the right to stop any player from playing if it is found that their
actions are dangerous, in order to protect others in the premises from injury or accidents.
Misuse / damage of golf equipment etc. will be recovered from the players.
Players are strongly urged not to use golf clubs that will drive the golf balls beyond the
protection nets in the driving range. Violators will be stopped from
playing immediately.
Caddies, Attenders and Drivers of the Players are not permitted to enter the Club House and
Driving Range areas.
Players are not permitted to use the Golf facilities with the following kind of attire:
A. Jeans
B. Shoes with Metal Spikes
C. Formal Shoes
D. Sandals & Chappals
Consumption of outside Food & Beverage and Alcoholic beverages are strictly is strictly prohibited in the AKDR Golf Village